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100 Acre Partnership Values

The 100 Acre Partnership values our relationship with the community and has strived from the beginning to work hand-in-hand with the community on all Taylor Yard projects. The 100 Acre Partnership is dedicated to the protection and restoration of wildlife habitat and species in Taylor Yard and to restoring and improving public access and recreational opportunities to the site and the adjacent Los Angeles River. 

Habitat Protection and Restoration

The 100 Acre Partnership is diligently focused and dedicated to the protection and restoration of natural habitat at Taylor Yard. Currently, the Taylor Yard site is a brownfield and is unsafe for natural flora and fauna to make home. The 100 Acre Partnership is steadfast in the revitalization of Taylor Yard for the renewed growth of river habitat and wildlife. 

One such species is the least Bell's vireo, which has been recognized as an endangered species by the Federal and California State governments since 1980. There has been a resurgence of the least Bell's vireo since its first sighting in 2015 at Río de Los Angeles State Park. 

View the least Bell's vireo Informational Sheet to learn about this beloved, endangered songbird and how you can protect and support our efforts to restore its population. Vea la hoja informativa en Español.

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Restoring and Improving Public Access and Recreation

The 100 Acre Partnership recognizes the historical and cultural significance of the Los Angeles River in the community. The 100 Acre Partnership is devoted to restoring the community's access to the river and creating essential greenspaces. Ensuring safe and unobstructed habitats and recreational spaces is central to the design and approach of the projects at Taylor Yard. The 100 Acre Partnership also educates the community about how to respectfully share spaces with wildlife, with the goal of reconnecting the community to the river and its natural rhythms.

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The Community's Role

The community is a vital partner in the development of the projects at Taylor Yard. For the Paseo del Río at Taylor Yard, the community has provided their feedback at 3 Community Design Workshops and by submitting over 3,100 responses to our questionnaires. The 100 Acre Partnership frequently tables at events hosted by local community-based organizations, and regularly provides updates at the Cypress Park, Elysian Valley, Glassell Park, and Atwater Village neighborhood councils.

The active partnership with the community has been instrumental in shaping the projects at Taylor Yard to not only meet the aspirations of the community but foster a sense of ownership and pride. 

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